(thirty) or frazzled again

…And so it begins once again! I made myself an attainable schedule in order to get a really big head start on all of my work. I know that the end of term will be really chaotic because of my thesis, so I’m trying to get some of my final papers done ahead of time. I’ve given my thesis a bit of a break because I need to let it sit in my mind for a bit, so instead of working that, I’ve begun researching and writing my other papers that are course finals. I know that it’s super early to begin working on them, but I also know that I will really thank myself at the end of term when I can just focus on physical exams I have to take and the submission of my thesis.

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So once again, I have stationed myself at my beloved carrel to sit down and really get some work done. I also need to figure out what classes I’m taking next semester, which is frightening (my last semester here…). I’ve snuck in a sealed container of fruit so I don’t need to go to the dining halls for lunch (I pinky promise I won’t eat in the library!!!). I also have all of my supplies right here, so I really have no excuse to go and get other things. Now, it’s just time to focus on what I have to do.


So naturally, I’m writing a blog post. 1. Because it’s fun to write, but also 2. Because I think BMC has a stigma around our work culture. From my experience at Bryn Mawr, I have found that students always feel the need and the pressure to be working. As someone who lives by that statement, I would agree completely. It makes it really hard to enjoy the “down time” you have- if you can even consider something down time. We have a campaign to combat this notion; “self care.” However, if you need to plan your self care time down to the minute, is it really self care?

For me, personally, when I have to plan to self care, it makes me more stressed.

What if I’m not doing this right?/What if I’m not relaxed enough to get the benefits of self care and I’m actually wasting time?/I have so much work that I could be doing/Ok, I think this is enough self care for the week.

As silly as it may sound to an outsider, that’s our culture. I’ve been actively trying to combat these things in my personal life, but it’s hard when you’re in an environment that prides itself on productivity. So, this is my active way of doing something that I enjoy (blogging) when I can be working something that really doesn’t need to get done right now.

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It may sound hypocritical- Blogging is still technically part of my “work” that I need to do, but it’s a different kind of work. It’s a fun two hour break where I sit with my thoughts and write about whatever I’m thinking. Usually, it’s school related, but other times I can focus on an event that brought me particular joy. Just focusing on those things helps to combat this stress culture that BMC propagates. And you know what? That makes me a happier person, and right now, I think everyone needs to focus on the little things that make them happy.

Even if it seems insignificant, something that brings you happiness is something that you should keep around- if it’s a person, that 15 minutes you take to play on your phone, reading a daily devotional, eating that special piece of candy- whatever! So think of something that makes you happy, and try to enjoy that one thing today.